Why to use IPTV Distribution ?
- Make Any Channel Available, Anywhere.
- Flexible and Scalable IPTV Distribution Technology.
- Unparalleled Reliability and Content Security.
- load sirens & ability’ of remote disarming .
SMATV System
SMATV systems, (Satellite Master Antenna TV) the most effective and economical method of reception of satellite broadcasts, especially in densely populated urban areas. They allow to avoid a great number of individual dishes on the facades or roof of the building, such an installation is the only possible solution.
- Available Dish sizes 75,85,95,120 & 130 m
- Aluminum offset satellite dishes
- Wideband LNB converter, for Offset satellite dishes
- Standard LNB with one horn.
- 4 VHF+UHF inputs
- VHF and UHF monitoring
- Terrestrial and SAT signal combiners with current pass for direct LNB connection.
Multi switch
- Great isolation between inputs and outputs
- 5 Inputs with upto 32 outputs
- 10 dB LG / HG switch for the attenuation of the satellite input signal
- Total or selective removal of the services present in the received transponder
- Can be remotely controlled using CDC